Teaching Practice
SMA Negeri 5 Kota Bengkulu, Grade 11 Class

Procedures of Teaching
As we were mentored by our English cooperating teacher, Sir Mul, he gave us the freedom to craft our own lesson plan but still guided by a sample lesson plan that he had prepared. This further ignited a sense of motivation to create a lesson plan that is effective and creative. I utilized the template of the lesson plan used in the Education High School and edited to fit the Kurikulum Merdeka.
I followed the basic lesson flow in a lesson plan which is before, during, and after activities. Comparing the lesson plans I made in the EHS, it is much simpler in SMA N 5 since the focus is how the teaching is executed during class discussions and activities.
Time Management and Organizing Activities
Before Presentation
The class that I held for my final demonstration teaching was scheduled in the morning, so, as an energizer, I encouraged the students to do the chicken dance!
To introduce the lesson, I conducted a pre-assessment activity called "Agree or Disagree" where I displayed a series of sentences where students would decide if they agreed or disagreed with the statements. This is a way to target their reading and speaking skills while learning the topic.
During Presentation
I then proceeded to the main topic which was about 'Giving Opinions'. Using the inductive method, I first defined what is an opinion and a fact, and provided a side-by-side comparison.
To further expound on the topic, I let them view a supplemental video to target their viewing and listening skills.
During the discussion, I also let volunteers participate in a board activity to decipher the matching activity.
After Presentation
After the discussion, for the students to understand the importance of giving their opinions, they will be arranging a series of topics based on how important they are to them. After they have chosen their top one topic, they will write a short paragraph that shall include their opinion, one question to ask a peer, and a possible response to an opposing view. This shall target their reading comprehension and writing skills.

Before the end of the class, I handed out exit tickets for them to answer to evaluate their learning during the class.
Some of the challenges that I have encountered are concerning internet connectivity and how it affects the online presentations that we are using. To aid this problem, I backed up my preparation by downloading everything on my laptop just in case I lost connection. This includes PowerPoint presentations, video materials, listening materials, and etc. We encountered a slow connection during an activity that uses the website Quiz.com and Quizizz, but, my buddy and I prepared a pdf file to present the activity even offline. Overall, it was handled smoothly.
In terms of classroom management, the classes that were assigned to us were cooperative and active, so, we did not have a problem managing them. They were attentive and eager to learn the topic being discussed.