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Pedagogical Contents

SMA Negeri 5 Kota Bengkulu


Teaching Methods

Observed teaching methods from our coordinating teacher and other teachers from SMAN 5 Kota Bengkulu.

Lecture-based Teaching

Three of the teachers that I have observed occasionally use the traditional teacher-centered approach, where they deliver content verbally to the class, and the students are to listen. At some point in the discussion, I saw that there was a highly structured and teacher-led teaching method focusing on step-by-step demonstrations and clear instructions.


Collaborative Learning

Students work in groups to solve problems, complete projects, or discuss topics, promoting teamwork and communication. Teachers use interactive activities to accomplish this type of teaching method.

Flipped Classroom

Students review materials at home (videos, readings) and use classroom time for discussions and hands-on activities. For instance, a teacher gave handouts to students for them to review, which will later be discussed in the class. The photo below is an example of the printed handout.


Differentiated Instruction

This teaching method that I have observed tailors the methods and materials to students' varying abilities, interests, and learning styles. A valuable knowledge that I have learned from my coordinating teacher is to get to know your students very well because that is the way to help them achieve improvement. To learn the lessons at a pace that they can catch up to.

Learning Materials and Innovations

Some of the learning materials used as seen on photos:

  1. Laptop and projector

  2. Whiteboard

  3. Students’ notebooks

  4. Speaker

  5. Printed handouts

Sources of Learning

Aside from basic PowerPoint applications that are used by the teachers, interesting websites were shared by our coordinating teacher to maximize the time in preparing for the lesson proper.


This application was used in the English classes to target the listening skills of the students during activities.

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Magic School

This AI website was recommended to us for an easier preparation of the lesson plan. It aids in providing sufficient content for the teacher to use in class discussion. 

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Each teacher has his or her own unique way to assess the students and that was proven in my observation. Some teachers assess their students during and after the discussion, and some only conduct it after the lecture. Our cooperating teacher, Sir Mul, assesses his students before giving a collaborative activity by providing sample activities as seen on the board. 

In this video, Sir Mul explains a grammar aspect before letting the students try to figure out the sentences they are trying to comprehend. In this context, the topic being discussed is about conjunctions and their functions.

A quick vocabulary check after their listening activity.

In this photo, the English teacher assesses the students' learning by tasking them to enumerate the different functions of a procedure text.

I am all the places in which I have left my heart.
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Phone No.   +63 921 454 7066
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